What's your point? Ask yourself 'why am I doing this?' And no, 'because the boss told me to' is not a good enough reason. Seriously. What do you want from this? What are you hoping to achieve? In marketing lingo, what are you objectives?   Have an awesome subject line. Or at least a rather good one. Your subject line needs to be...

Ok, this one gets me running for the dictionary every time: when to use licence and license or practice and practise. Practice with a C is a noun. And practise with an S is a verb. (S and V are close together in the alphabet which is a good way of remembering, I guess.) So, There's a new doctor's practice opened up...

So what were your new year's resolutions? Already broken them? Yep, me too. But, if you only commit to one thing this year, make 2009 the year you change your writing style. Stuffy, formal, waffly writing is out, out, out. And informal, friendly, conversational writing is the new black baby.  Here are five top tips to help you on your way.    1. Read...