If you’re producing a brochure, don’t scrimp on the words. Seriously.
A misplaced apostrophe. A poorly constructed sentence. And a waffly message could do you and your company some serious damage. A corporate brochure is still one of the most useful marketing tools around and often the first time a potential customer has contact with you. So it’s worth getting right.
Why it’s a good idea to hire a brochure copywriter from Turner Ink
So why hire a brochure copywriter from Turner Ink?
Number one. The guy in accounts doesn’t have to do it and he can get on with his bean counting. Yay.
Number two. A good brochure copywriter will make sure your brochure really speaks to your customers, and clearly explains the benefits of your product or service. A well-written brochure can enhance your image, clearly set out the company’s vision, and gain you industry respect. Imagine your competitors saying they want a brochure just like yours?
Brochures hang around. They sit on desks. They get passed on. And they get filed for future reference.
So you need to get the message right. And the tone of voice. And of course it’s critical that your brochure has the right punctuation, spelling and grammar. It’s a drag but someone’s got to do it.